Point System:
Every 5 minutes when watching the stream, you will automatically earn 5 points that you can spend on trolling me.
Everyone 5 minutes if you are actively typing in chat, you will earn a bonus one point.
As well as earning 1 point if you subscribe.
!points: If you type !points (with an exclamation mark) in chat, our Streamlabs Bot will tell you how many points you have.
!shop: If you type !shop (with an exclamation mark) in chat, our Streamlabs Bot will give you a list of things you can redeem to troll me.
!redeem (name of what you need to redeem: list down below or type !shop): !redeem (***) will make the sound effect / dare pop up on screen so I am aware of it.
Sometimes I do Point Giveaways. Maybe for a Piggy Update or a Doors Update. This will give you a certain amount of points if you win. When a giveaway is set, the Streamlabs Bot will regularly remind you in chat to enter. Typicially, to enter my giveaways you need to type “!raffle” (with an exclamation mark).
Points Redeem Shop 🛒:
1 point: bruh – !redeem bruh
3 points: my name’s Jeff – !redeem jeff
5 points: emotional damage – !redeem emdam
10 points: oh my god – !redeem god
15 points: make me say “UwU” – !redeem uwu
15 points: sheesh – !redeem sheesh
20 points: Make me say “I love LankyBox” – !redeem lankybox
25 points: amogus – !redeem amogus
30 points: choose the next game – !redeem game
40 points: nyan cat – !redeem nyan
50 points: friend request – !redeem friend
60 points: pin message – !redeem pin
70 points: get followed on roblox – !redeem follow
80 points: shoutout – !redeem shoutout
100 points: chance to win 10 robux (monthly wheel) – !redeem 10
120 points: 1v1 in a game of your choice – !redeem 1v1
140 points: say your name 20 times – !redeem say20
160 points: i say anything you want me to say – !redeem saysomething
180 points: roblox gfx – !redeem gfx
200 points: i say your name 50 times – !redeem say50
220 points: be in a short / get yeeted – !redeem short
240 points: roblox pfp – !redeem pfp
260 points: change display name (of your choice) – !redeem changename
500 points: standard mod – !redeem mod1
1000 points: managing mod – !redeem mod2
TAGS* #Roblox, #RobloxGameplay, #RobloxAdventure, #RobloxObby, #RobloxRoleplay, #RobloxStudio, #RobloxTutorial, #RobloxTips, #RobloxUpdate, #RobloxNews, #RobloxEvent, #RobloxFashion, #RobloxMemes, #RobloxCommunity, #RobloxBuild, #RobloxSpeedrun, #RobloxChallenge, #RobloxBuilds, #RobloxShowcase, #RobloxReview, #RobloxSecrets, #RobloxHack, #RobloxGlitch, #RobloxFunnyMoments, #RobloxHighlights, #RobloxPets, #RobloxRoleplaying, #RobloxGamer, #RobloxPro, #RobloxUpdates, #RobloxGaming, #RobloxNewsUpdate, #RobloxCodes, #RobloxEvent2024, #RobloxSkins, #RobloxGame, #RobloxLife, #RobloxAdoptMe, #RobloxTrade, #RobloxGiveaway, #RobloxWin, #RobloxNewGame, #RobloxBestGame, #RobloxAwesome, #RobloxMaster, #RobloxFans, #RobloxVIP, #RobloxTopGames, #RobloxRoleplayGame, #RobloxSuperhero, #RobloxTycoon, #RobloxMMORPG, #RobloxSimulator, ##RobloxStudioTip #RobloxEventGuide, #RobloxHacksAndCheats, #RobloxTipsAndTricks, #RobloxBestPractices, #RobloxAchievements, #RobloxGameplayStrategy, #roblox ‘ #memes , #roblox funny moments, #roblox #funny #memes, #2022, #roblox #meme ,#peter #roblox #meme #,peter #memes #,peter #meme #,edits ,#funny ,#roblox ,#moments ,#moment #,funny #moments ,#murdermystery #mystery #2 #funny #moments ,#murdermystery #mystery #funny #moments ,#mm2 funny moments ,roblox murder mystery 2 funny moments ,roblox funny edits ,roblox mm2 funny moments ,roblox funny ,squid game ,roblox squid game ,roblox cart ride, jailbreak funny moments, jailbreak funny memes, mario kart, bedwars, roblox bedwars, roblox bedwars funny moments, 2021, moments, funniest, funny roblox moments, of 2022, kreekcraft, roblox denis, roblox ishowspeed, ishowspeed roblox ban, roblox robux, roblox burr, brookhaven kron roblox brookhaven storyline, brookhaven story, roblox, brookhaven best edit, roblox brookhaven, roblox ban,, roblox ban hammer, roblox ban hammer script,pewdiepie roblox ban, roblox ban hack, roblox ban speedrun, roblox, roblox steak, roblox hacker, roblox hacker trolling, roblox trolling, roblox trolling oders, roblox live,live roblox, roblox live now, roblox live right now, roblox live with viewers,
Live Symbol On Thumbnail Inspired By: @fingymplayz
FaceCam Bar Made By: @fingymplayz + @SephPlayz
Stream Music Made By: @fingymplayz
Stream Starting Soon Screen Made By: @fingymplayz
S.S.S.S Copied By: @hingdragon