The Classic's Operation Tomatometer: Episode 2 - Squid Game (1-4) -

The Classic’s Operation Tomatometer: Episode 2 – Squid Game (1-4)

The Classic TV
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Our hosts discuss the first half of Netflix’s latest hit Squid Game and continue in their quest to convince Tom Holland to speak with real students from Peter Parker’s home of Queens, NY.







One of the most esteemed high school newspapers in New York City, The Classic, the official student-run publication of Townsend Harris, has embarked upon a new project. In this newly-started film and TV review podcast, our goal is to draw interest from young people in our community who may be interested in film analysis but might not otherwise be exposed to such media in their everyday lives. We aim to entertain as well as educate, in addition to nerding out over our favorite movies and shows. Our other goal for this project is to be officially Certified as Critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Although certainly ambitious, we think adding a new perspective to the contemporary critical lens of film would be a refreshing change to the status quo. Coming from the number one ranked public high school in all of New York State, Operation Tomatometer will bring unique and enriching ideas to the table, as well as have oodles of fun discussing, reviewing, and critiquing along the way. Rate us five stars on Apple Podcasts, follow us on social media platforms @thhsclassic, subscribe to us on YouTube, and join us as we pursue these goals.