I Tried Beating Elden Ring With Bare Fists And Regretted It
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I Tried Beating Elden Ring With Bare Fists And I Regret It
In my last video, I was asked to take on the impossible Elden Ring challenge run that no one has completed yet. I accepted and went into this challenge happy and proud of what I was about to accomplish. By the end of those miserable 3 or 4 hours, I became a broken man. This challenge is truly a daunting task. Nevertheless, this is not the end of this challenge for me… I have not given up just yet…
In my last video, I was asked to take on the impossible Elden Ring challenge run that no one has completed yet. I accepted and went into this challenge happy and proud of what I was about to accomplish. By the end of those miserable 3 or 4 hours, I became a broken man. This challenge is truly a daunting task. Nevertheless, this is not the end of this challenge for me… I have not given up just yet…
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